Thursday 1 May 2014

Day four of the chick diary

We had another chick hatch early this morning, bringing our total to nine! 
We moved the chicks into the brooder box here they have warmth from a light, food and water.
They are still very sleepy, even falling asleep standing up. 
Jack says "they are fluffy and yellow and beautiful."
Max says "they are yellow and creamy".
Nathan says "they are yellow, fluffy and nice. I like them."


  1. Thank you very much Mrs Edwards for asking the farm lady to bring the eggs,,, we loved watching them hatched now seing how they grow,, everyday it be's excited going school,,,Asmaa

  2. Holly Gibson would like to thank the teachers for the wonderful chance to watch the baby chicks hatch and grow, they are beautiful. I love them.

  3. The chicks are beautiful and what a wonderful opportunity the children have been given to actually observe the chicks entering the world! Zayd comes home everyday telling me all about the chicks and in the evening he goes on the blog to look at the pics! Zayd says the chicks are gorgeous and thank you for bringing them to his school.

  4. What lovely comments thank you, I'm pleased you're enjoying the chicks. It is a wonderful experience! They are very cute aren't :-)
