Thursday 8 January 2015

Happy new year and welcome back!

Welcome back Reception! We have a busy week planned for your first week back. It is Computing week and we will be looking at e-safety, in particularly how to use the computers, iPads and laptops safely and what I do if there's a problem.

We have read the story of Smartie the Penguin, and learnt the moral of the story, to always ask for help.
We have learnt the rhyme - "before you click click click you need to think think think and tell someone".


  1. Good start reception..hope you keep on doing the good hard work in coming weeks
    Mrs mohiuddin

  2. Hi Reception

    You have been working really hard on Computer week and looking at e-safety I love the rhyme."before you click click click you need to think think think and tell someone".

    Well done
    Miss Wilding
