Thursday 14 May 2015

Stick Man - Photos (as promised)

Story mapping - using drawing and writing to recall the story

Speech bubbles - what did Stick Man say?

Developing our handwriting skills
Using phonic knowledge in our writing
Carrying out surveys

Using tallying to record findings

On Friday, we took part in a dance session.

Here we are taking on the role of Stick Man and other characters from the story.

Here we are using our bodies to move in time to the music. 

We are swans.
The weather is getting colder now.

Travelling in different ways 
Wake up Stick Man!

We are looking forward to next week's dance session!

Well done!

Miss B


  1. Reception doing really good..good activities from all the children on stick man....well done
    Mrs mohiuddin

  2. Hi Reception

    Great story mapping and I love the stick men speech bubbles, fantastic job.

    Miss Wilding
